Our Products
Media Transport and Network Services
Flagship Products


Next-generation applications for broadcasters and enterprises.

As an industry leader in next-generation IP network transport solutions, Caton Technology has developed a series of applications to improve your operational efficiency and productivity, from managing, monitoring and orchestrating content delivery, enabling remote production, empowering mobile streaming in 4K broadcast quality to moving large data across the internet, even in the most challenging network conditions.

Caton Applications - Caton Network Management System

Network Management System
Caton Network Management System

Comprehensive network management and orchestration application designed for monitoring transmissions, software and hardware. Ideal for on-premise or cloud deployment.

Caton Applications - Caton Relay Server

Caton Relay Server

Simplified TS streams management platform designed to handle complicated video routing and monitoring of real-time streaming status. Ideal for on-premise, cloud or hybrid solutions.

Caton Applications - Caton NDI Gateway

Caton NDI Gateway

Hassle-free software that enables users to send NDI output over the internet to any destination. Ideal for remote production and collaboration.

Caton Applications - Caton Publisher

Mobile Live Streaming
Caton Publisher

A mobile app designed to publish broadcast-quality HD and UHD video in ultra-low latency from anywhere using your mobile phone.

Caton Applications - Caton Player

Mobile Live Streaming
Caton Player

A mobile app designed to view and monitor live streams in real-time with the highest video quality and ultra-low latency.

Caton Applications - Cydex

Managed File Transfer

Enterprise-class file transfer platform with accelerated transmission speeds. Designed to transfer large files with maximum throughput and security on any network connection.