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RPC Globo unleashes full benefits of IP connectivity

In a recent IABM published report on the State of the MediaTech 2022, it stated that 52% of media companies have adopted cloud technology and the trend continues to climb upwards in the post-pandemic period. As far as the shift to IP goes, this same report contends that 44% of media companies have adopted IP and the trend is bucking upwards at a faster rate.

Brazilian media companies are aware of this trend and are seeing the benefits of converting to an IP-based infrastructure for the reliable distribution of broadcast-quality live video content over the internet. They also realized that implementing IP connectivity can be challenging, involving skills and technology which may be new to them. Hence, our team in Brazil are actively engaging with broadcasters to extend our expertise and help them unleash the full benefits of IP connectivity.

RPC, Globo affiliate in Paraná experienced a breakthrough this week when Caton proved that its technology can guarantee the transport of BTS packets in high bitrates – up to 204 bytes with ultra-low latency and recovery of up to 50% packet loss. This proven technology comprises of the Caton Xchange, an IP conversion and transmission appliance with built-in transport stream analysis, and the Caton Transport Protocols (CTP), a set of IP transmission technologies that assures stability, quality and security for video and data transmissions. This proven technology via the CatonNet Video Platform (CVP) provided RPC with the assurance and confidence that live video delivery over Caton’s IP network would provide its customers with a high-quality viewing experience which Is an essential performance indicator they did not want to sacrifice with the shift to IP.

Ivan Miranda, director of engineering at RPC analyzed the use of this technology. “Caton showed us that their CatonNet Video Platform provides a stable service with ultra-low latency. In addition, we were able to see that high quality video can be streamed over Caton’s IP network. With this, we will be able to provide an even better viewing experience for our audience,” highlights Miranda.

Download a case study on how Caton's solution helps news broadcasters like Yonhap News TV expand their live news coverage to viewers around the world. 

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